Life Impact Counseling

We offer Pastoral Christian Counseling to those in need. You may ask, what is Christian Counseling? D. Jeremy Lelek, PH.D., President of the Association of Biblical Counselors, put it best: "Biblical counseling endeavors to build a relationship with another person in which God's work of change can thrive. It is therefore dependent on the Work of God, the work of the Holy Spirit and the grace of Jesus Christ...The Biblical counselor rests in the knowledge that he is not the change agent, but the tool in the hands of the One who is. The Biblical counselor does not ignore the physical issues or the emotional data, but seeks to integrate them into the holistic understanding of the person and where change needs to take place. The Biblical counselor is not adversarial in his relationship to the psychologies of his culture, but examines research and insights through the lens of Scripture. In his work with the counselee the Biblical counselor always recognizes the sovereignty of God, the transformative grace of Christ, and the insight-giving and conviction-producing ministry of the Holy Spirit. In all this the Biblical counselor sees himself not as an isolated instrument of change, but one whose work is intimately connected to God's primary tool of change; the church, with all of its God-ordained, duties, structures and means of grace."

Cynthia Cook is the head of Counseling at Impact Purpose and Destiny. For more information, please visit Life Impact Counseling.